I'll be honest and say it was mainly Ian Bonar, playing the protagonist of this movie, who made me want to watch it. I really enjoyed Ian Bonar's performance in Going Postal and he's also very cute in this movie. His character is believable and likable and it's just fun to watch the little story unfold. Not a whole lot will be happening in this movie but it's really fun to have a look at all the different and kind of strange characters and their way through life. Being twentysomething I can definitely relate to the position that all of the lead characters are finding themselves in in life: Not knowing exactly what you want to do with your life, despite being an "adult" already or maybe knowing exactly what you want to do with your life but the fact that what you want to do isn't considered a real career.

I also liked Emily, it's interesting to have a look at all the art projects that she is working on throughout the movie. It's not every day that you see art portrayed within art (such as a movie) and I always find it to be quite interesting. Overall the movie has some really beautiful shots as well, be it a dark city skyline or pale and cold looking streets. Of course the music is pretty much a core topic of the whole movie and thus you will experience a lot of music while watching and if you like Indie music it might be cool to check it out just for that.
In the end 1234 to me seemed to be a very sweet little movie to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon, when you are recovering from whatever you have been doing and not quite ready for the week to begin again on Monday. Frankly, some people might claim this movie is very boring and I have to admit not a whole lot is happening but sometimes it's just extremely nice to be watching a calm movie and if you decide to do that you might as well decide to watch a good one. 1234 is perfect for such an occasion. I'm really surprised that nobody I know has ever heard of that movie and I have never heard it being mentioned anywhere. For that fact alone I feel like it's my duty to write about this movie. People should watch it. Go watch it!
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